- keep your tires inflated
Underinflated tires produce greater rolling resistance on the road. This implies that your tires produce more friction and rolling resistance with each kilometer you travel, which raises your fuel consumption. Up to 10% less fuel may be used if all of your tires are 10 psi underinflated.
- Put less weight in your boot.
Think again the next time you load up, especially if you have a tendency of keeping emergency spares along with anything and everything in the boot. Every 50 kg that your car gains results in a 2% increase in fuel usage.
- AC while driving
Wind resistance is significant when driving with the windows down above 80 km/h, which takes a lot more fuel. Contrary to popular belief, turning on the air conditioning while driving is just more fuel efficient in this instance.
- Avoid driving too quickly or slowly
Your engine has to work hard to overcome wind resistance when traveling down a highway. At 100 km/h and 110 km/h, you’ll burn up to 15% more fuel and 25% more, respectively. That would entice you to drive slowly, but doing so would cause your engine to shift into a lower gear and use more fuel. Therefore, it is preferable to maintain a constant speed of 50 to 90 km/h on the highway to get the optimum fuel economy.
- Keep your balance while accelerating
Do not accelerate quickly or at a high revolutions per minute (RPM). It’s better for fuel economy because your engine consumes less fuel at lower, slower RPMs.
- Do not brake suddenly.
As you must later re-accelerate, slamming on the brakes uses more fuel. This is especially true if you follow the car in front of you too closely. Not to mention that tailgating is risky and should be avoided.
- cruising at top speed
Use the cruise control on an automated vehicle to maintain a consistent speed. Additionally, keep your manual car in a higher gear when necessary. Each of these scenarios results in fewer engine revolutions per minute (RPM), which lowers fuel consumption.
- Practice anticipatory driving
Consider the path ahead as you make your next move. Try slowing down as you approach the red light rather than slamming on the brakes until you come to a complete stop. Alternatively, instead of accelerating when you approach a hill, begin to do so as soon as you reach its base. When moving your automobile from a complete stop or ascending a hill, avoid using your car’s forceful acceleration because it will use more fuel.
- Plan your route for peak hour.
Stop-start traffic places a great deal of strain on your engine, which increases fuel consumption. Plan your commute carefully to and from work whenever you can to assist you escape the worst of peak traffic.
- Don’t sit still for too long.
Turn off your engine if you have to wait more than three minutes for something or someone. Even if you aren’t moving, your engine is still using valuable fuel.
And one last thing. The fuel economy of your engine is maintained with routine auto maintenance. The components of an engine function in tandem. Sludge and corrosion will accumulate between the sections of an engine with poor maintenance, making it challenging for the engine to operate properly. Engine oils are essential for the same reason. A decent high-performance engine oil, such as MobilTM, can aid in lowering friction in the engine, battling sludge, and enhancing fuel efficiency.
It could be time for you to visit one of our Mobil Workshops if you can’t recall the last time you had your car serviced.