The 2024 Cadillac Celestiq is a $340,000 custom-built electric flagship.

Approximately $340,000 is the starting price for a Cadillac Celestiq.

That’s what GM Authority says, citing a social media post by Cadillac’s chief marketing officer Melissa Grady Dias

It’s been a while, but with the launch of the 2024 Celestiq, a moonshot model the company claims is one of the most important in its 120-year history

the brand hopes to regain its former glory as a legitimate luxury coachbuilder.

Cadillac essentially ditched the concept car’s camera-fed exterior mirrors in favor of more conventional designs and called it a day.

The Celestiq is a handcrafted, one-of-a-kind, battery-electric, futuristic hatchback designed for four passengers.